Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Tendencies in Business Administration



It is a process which consists in learning from other organization which has the best practices; in order to implement them in our own business for improve our products or service.

The process consists in look for other business which has the same or similar processes than our, learn what we can implement and how to do it, do the changes and analyze the results.

The comparisons can be made in general perspective or in specific, like cost, performance of process, HR management, among others. In addition, it is a continuous process which involves the participation of a well-organized management staff or outside consultants and requires time.


It refers to hire the service of an external provider to do a particular process in order to increase the performance of the entire organization.  

It involves the following stages: First, study the processes of the business and analyze what a specialized provider can do better. Look for the best provider. Establish the statements of the contract with the outsourcer, implement the new service, check the results and according to that, you deciding to continue or not the contract.

One of the benefits of outsourcing is to improving the quality of your products by hiring the best provider of the market, and the risks:  hire a bad supplier or have a bad contract.


An alliance is a joint between two or more organizations in order to reach common goals to each one. It doesn’t mean the creation of a new enterprise, only the cooperation of the parts, which involves the sharing of resources like funding, knowledge, expertise, among others.

For establish an alliance, you must: define what you want for your business and if an alliance could help you to achieve it. Look for strong organizations which want to work together and share common objectives. Negotiate with the future partner the clauses of a contract which were good for both. If all the parts agree to the contract, let you work together and analyze the results of the alliance, if you must continue with them or break the alliance.


It refers to a set of structured and systematized methods, including statistical, to manage efficiently the processes of your company. Six Sigma is generally applied to manufacturing business, although it has been applied to service organizations too.

Efficiency in Six Sigma includes reducing the level of defective products at a lower level than 3.4 defects per one million opportunities; have a total control of the manufacturing processes including measurements, analyze results and do improvements to constantly reach the perfection.

The benefits of implement Six Sigma philosophy are the reduction of: production costs, waste of material, time of performing process; and the satisfaction of customers as a consequence of a good product or service.

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