Friday, October 14, 2016

It’s come to this: 2016 is the Rape Election

It’s come to this: 2016 is the Rape Election:


It would be nice if this hellscape of an election managed to raise thoughtful discussions on one or two issues of national concern, but instead it appears that it has come down to a single-question personality test. Not, “Which candidate would you rather have a beer with?” but, “Which candidate, or candidate’s husband, would you be most afraid to ride alone in an elevator with?” 

The procession of women this week who accused Donald Trump of forcibly touching and kissing them — one woman said he accosted her on a plane 30 years ago; another said he pinned her against a wall in 2005 while his pregnant wife was upstairs — was unnerving. In a bonkers way, it was also perhaps inevitable for a campaign that kicked off with Trump accusing illegal immigrants from Mexico of being rapists, and then devolved into a scary race in which women’s votes became a symbolic fight for their own personal safety. The ballot as a can of pepper spray. 

Or, as the writer Amanda Hess was compelled to tweet as the curtain rose on the second presidential debate, “Never imagined the election of the first female president would come down to a fight over who’s the real rapist, but here we are.”

It’s come to this: 2016 is the Rape Election

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