Monday, March 13, 2017

"Many big companies are bad at matching people with projects that they’re good at or excited about..."

“Many big companies are bad at matching people with projects that they’re good at or excited about working on. In theory a big company has more people and more projects and so there is more room for matching, but in practice most big companies end up worse. A good manager at a small company who knows all the employees personally and who is also responsible for deciding what projects to do next can often do a much better job.”


Quora: What causes the slack at large corporations?

K. Freeman: Having primarily worked at smaller businesses, I can say that the matching problem runs through many kinds of businesses.  It’s hard to match if you have limited projects, or worse yet, even more limited bandwidth to complete those that you do have.  Ultimately, I’d love to see someone tackle a solution to help mitigate these issues for those who fall in the grey area of these two extremes.

(via krysfree)

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