Sunday, April 2, 2017



“A ZeroInbox approach to your work can change your life dramatically.”

If we can have more time and clarity, we can have more peace of mind. This is such a simple pursuit, but ironically, a complex endeavor when dealing with our daily realities.

I remember decades ago when work was different. Things moved more slowly. Our problems were less about just trying to “keep up” in comparison to what we experience today. It feels like someone hit the accelerator in our modern economy.

My Journey

By nature, I am a strategy, systems and process person. My consulting work and speaking have revolved heavily around the area of personal productivity, in addition to business systems implementation. Over the years, I have read a lot on the topic and tried out many different methods. Much of the methods concerned email. Some systems worked better than others.

As I found that my findings could help my clients and others who were battling the same demons, I wanted to capture this in a concise way. Thus, I got to writing, and the following pages are a reflection of my work and findings on the topic of productivity.

As with all systems, there is a half-life to their utility. While we don’t know with certainty how the future will work, we do know that change is continual and rapid. Thus, having a rigid system or process that works for today may not be useful in a world where new technologies constantly push their way into our lives.

Therefore, I sought to capture a worldview about how information and work move in and out of our lives while providing some frameworks for getting work done pragmatically.

My hope is that the mindsets as well as the tactics will help you to gain the freedom which will allow you to operate at higher levels of productivity. I know firsthand that when I feel in control and clear, work not only becomes enjoyable, but my creativity increases. Furthermore, I can take advantage of opportunities, deals and long-term projects.

A ZeroInbox approach to your work can change your life dramatically. Instead of running around ragged and reacting to the world, you can take back your time/ attention and focus it where you want to direct it. This empowerment is something I have seen firsthand with clients who integrate this approach, and it excites me. Instead of dealing with the noise and trying to get through a day with desperation, a more relaxed and controlled approach takes place. The transformation can be quite dramatic.

I hope this book will be motivation and a valuable resource to change your life. Read it with reflection, and make it fit the peculiarities of your circumstance. A life of productivity and peace of mind is possible. Enjoy, and thanks for reading.

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