Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Why You Should Consider a Quadcopter

Drones Shop
Why You Should Consider a Quadcopter

Why You Should Consider a Quadcopter

Quadcopters have characteristics that really set them apart from other vehicles, including other UAVs. Here are a few of these advantages laid out for you so that you can make an educated decision about what works for you.

Quadcopter Overview

A quadcopter is simply an unmanned helicopter with four rotors. So, basically, it’s a UAV, but it has four rotors which sets it apart from other drones that have other configurations. For example, you could have a UAV drone with just three blades, which is called a tricopter. Or, you could have one that has as many as eight blades. These are called octocopters.

Quadcopters are unique with just the four blades, and this special configuration tends to give them unique characteristics. They tend to be used only in unmanned aircraft since they aren’t suitable for the larger manned helicopter approaches.

Phantom 4 Quadcopter - 4K Camera
Wingsland S6 Pocket RC Quadcopter FPV Selfie Drone 4K HD Camera
Inspire 1 V2.0 Quadcopter with 4K Camera & 3-Axis Gimbal
Phantom 4 Quadcopter + Extra Battery + ESP Hardshell Backpack
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Variability of Size and Other Factors

Many quadcopters are small enough to fit in your hand, but they can be much bigger as well. The largest drones are usually of a variety with more rotors, however, such as drones that have the 8 rotors which are called octocopters. These are often both larger and more expensive, although they bring more stability and sometimes a greater capacity to carry loads. That is generally their major purpose. Quadcopters will more than suffice when you aren’t worrying about having the drone carry loads, especially heavy loads.

It’s also more than possible to find a quadcopter that actually fits well into your budget. There are those that are on the highly economical side, largely as toys or hobby tools for young people, but there are also plenty that are high-end and that have a whole host of modern tools and features like automatic emergency landings, autopilot, attachments for a large number of different cameras, and all manner of other technology as well.

Seeing Things From a Totally Different Angle

It’s not every day that you get to see what the ocean looks like from hundreds of feet up right over it. Quadcopters that come equipped with cameras give you the unique ability to be able to do this. This includes any manner of unique angle and view as well. You could theoretically see things from an angle that no human has ever seen before. Quadcopters can reach up to the tops of mountains in a way that no other human would be physically capable of doing because the mountain wouldn’t carry the weight, for example.

In fact, you can also use them to scout in order to find vistas that would be hard to find any other way. A plane might be too big to be able to get into crevices between mountains, for example, or up close and inside remote forests.

Hobby Groups

Another advantage with quadcopters is that you have a huge community worldwide who are enthusiastic about them, as well as being highly knowledgeable on their use and general lore about them. As a result, if you decide to start in with using them, you have a built-in potential social group as well as a source of information that is truly wide and deep in its breadth and scope.

This includes local RC clubs, but also a number of forums all throughout the Internet.if you have some issue with the quadcopter’s operation in terms of not understanding how some aspect of your particular model works, or else something to do with a broken or malfunctioning part, chances are good that you’ll be able to find help about it online due to how popular the hobby is. This is definitely not necessarily the case when it comes to every type of vehicle or hobby since many are obscure and far less popular than quadcopters.

Many Pro and Amateur Uses

In addition to doing it as a hobby and way to have fun, you’ll find that using quadcopters have many potential utilities. For example, you can use them to follow you around and take photos of your extreme sports as a casual amateur use. You can use them to get a full selfie of a large group from above when this may not be possible any other way due to the scope of the group, generally.

Plus, quadcopters and drones generally can also be useful in many different more professional uses. This includes being a photographer, of course. It also includes doing various tasks for real estate like taking comprehensive pictures of the whole estate at once. Movie people use drones a lot to get difficult shots these days as well. This goes all the way up and down the range of movie makers as well.

There are plenty of quadcopters with cheaper costs that more amateur filmmakers can use to make some truly unique movies, for example. They can make movies that no one else has thought of trying to make in order to get their start just by doing something different that helps them get noticed.

Varying Skill Level

You can get a lot out of a quadcopter regardless of how skilled you are at using them. There are many of these unmanned vehicles that have their own safeties built into them, making it so even the most rank beginner, who has never used a remote vehicle of any kind before never mind a vehicle that can fly, will have the ability to use them safely. Automated systems can detect errors in the flight patterns of quadcopters and automatically go into autopilot in order to prevent a tip over or other issue that will make the vehicle fall potentially in a dangerous manner towards the ground.

But by the same measure, quadcopter drones won’t pose a barrier of any kind to those who want to make full use of them with the necessary skills to do so. They aren’t just like a bike with training wheels, they are capable of an amazing number of tricks and uses to the well-trained.

Maneuverability and Simplicity

One advantage of a quadcopter, especially when compared to a tricopter, is that your yaw control is going to be easier. The counter-rotating propellers on a quadcopter allow the motors connected to each propeller to shift with two of them increasing and the other two decreasing in order to create yaw. There’s no need for servos, linkages, or other ways of creating maneuverability. This allows for fewer moving parts and fewer chances for something to go wrong generally.

Obviously, as rotorcraft in general, quadcopters have increased maneuverability over fixed-wing aircraft, including fixed-wing drones simply because they can change the actual angle on their source of lift and thrust, whereas this is pretty fixed when it comes to a fixed-wing aircraft or drone. The narrow-chord revolving action of the airfoils just has that effect when you’re looking at rotorcraft versus the fixed wing. You also get to alter the rotation rate of one of the rotor disks, or more of them for a boost to maneuverability as well.

Overall, quadcopters are a good choice for those of a wide variety of skill levels and requirements as well as an assortment of people with different reasons for using drones. You’re really only limited by your imagination and the funds that you have access to, generally.

The post Why You Should Consider a Quadcopter appeared first on Drones Shop.