Sunday, July 21, 2019

interestinginfographics: Direct Mail Success In Numbers...


Direct Mail Success In Numbers [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some business owners may feel skeptical regarding direct mail marketing’s effectiveness. After all, we’re inundated with digital marketing tactics everywhere we turn in daily life – our phones, our inboxes, our social media feeds. But this is exactly why direct mail works as well as it does. Direct mail works because of the hectic digital marketplace as much as it does in spite of it. It gives you a chance to cut through the clutter of the digital marketplace and reach people in a personal, tangible way with things like postcards and brochures. In the midst of the digital age, a well-designed postcard showing up in your mailbox – one that you can hold in your hand; one that speaks to you in a personal, authentic way – means a lot more.The idea behind why direct mail marketing works isn’t merely speculation or assumption. There’s plenty of data to back it up. Small Business Trends magazine surveyed customers and found that 54 percent (the largest portion) of customers surveyed prefer receiving updates and promotions from their favorite brands through direct mail to any other form of marketing, and 56 percent said that direct mail marketing is the most trustworthy form of marketing. The mail is an ingrained institution in the minds of consumers; it’s a standard that they can count on.

Source: direct mail campaigns

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